

导语:专业指的:(1) 专门从事某种学业或职业。(2) 专门的学问。(3) 高等学校或中等专业学校所分的学业门类。(4) 产业部门的各业务部分。(5) 是指对一种物质了解的非常透彻的程度。你知道“专业”在英语中怎么说吗?现在就随网小编一起看看这方面的英语口语表达吧。



专业[zhuān yè]

major; specialty; profession;

profession 专业 名词

major 专指大学里的专业


1.Work with other Depts. to improve efficiencies , professionalism and clientsatisfaction. 与其它部门合作增强工作效率, 专业度和客户满意率.


2. Professional deamond saw blades with high efficency especially for cuttingroad. 专业加工沥青,锋利度好,切割效率高.

3. How to evaluate competence, technical skills and work motivation of thecandidate? 如何有效地评估应聘者基本素质 、 专业能力以及工作动机匹配度?

4. Professional design operator feel comfortable and with good tight. 专业设计,手感好,密合度好.

5. M 87 "s brightness and loudness, as it were, make it a prime target forprofessional and amateur. M87星云的亮度和响度使之成为了专业和业余天文爱好者的首选观测对象.

6. SEO search engine rankings. E - zine. Baidu Google promotion. Yahoointernational promotion. professional Web site production. SEO搜索引擎排名. 电子杂志. 百度谷歌推广. 雅虎国际推广. 专业网站制作.

7. Objective To evaluate the validity and reliability of Professional Self - Conceptof Nurses Instrument ( PSCNI ) among nursing undergraduates. 目的评价护理专业 自我 概念量表在护理本科生中应用的信度和效度.

x 广告
x 广告

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